Product Details

Reprocessor Single/Double

Reprocessor Single/Double

Technology for Quality

Nephroclear- Plus is a fully automated double station dialyzer reprocessing system with TABLET operated with Bluetooth Technology. It is compact, easy to use & has unique features. The reprocessing is so simple that dialyzer cleaning happens with just the touch of a button. Now you can increase the number of reuses of your dialyzer thereby cutting down the dialyzer cost per treatment.


Nephroclear subjects each dialyzer to a strengthen testing process to as certain it's reusability, Volume Test for Dialyzer Efficiency To further ensure quality and patient health, the dialyzer is Subjected to a volume test. This ensures adequacy of Dialysis by rejecting dialyzers with less than 80% bundle Volume.

Simplicity In Operation

  • Waterproof 6 Inch Tablet
  • Single Button start with Auto Self test
  • Stores Dialyzer

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