USG Color Doppler Machine
Ultrasound Solutions with Flexibility
The P10 color Doppler ultrasound system is a new generation product from SonoScape. It is designed to give high quality images, rich probe configurations, various clinical tools and automatic analysis software to provide you with comprehensive solutions for your growing demand for clinical applications.
C-field Beam
Unlike the traditional focus concentrating on limited areas, C-field beam, with a continuously dynamic focus that evenly distributes the signal energy, contributes to better uniformity in the whole image.
Dynamic Multi-beam Imaging
To dynamically provide multiple beams from different scanning modes to balance parameter demands in various applications, presenting detailed information with good spatial resolution or real time movement with suitable line density and frame rate.
Pure Inversion Harmonic Imaging
It fully preserves harmonic signals without any degradation of the acoustic information, improving contrast resolution by reducing noise and clutter in the visualization of small parts, lesions, vascular and so on.
Spatial Compound Imaging
Spatial Compound Imaging utilizes several lines of sight for optimal contrast resolution, speckle reduction and border detection, with which the P10 is ideal for superficial and abdominal imaging with better clarity and improved continuity of structures.
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